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This is me at Intial Point. This is a rock, in the ground in the middle of the woods in southern Indiana. I made my husband go with me to find it. He is very brave and led the way. Nothing scares him but bees. Why is it important? ( Not the bees but the rock...) Initial point is the reference for the governmental survey for the state of Indiana. It is located in Paoli Indiana. It is the basis for the 2nd Principal Meridian which runs through my county many miles north. Ebenezer Buckingham drove a stake into the ground in this spot in 1805 and the glorious township line and range survey unfolded from this point. Townships and ranges make me happy. I don't know why. We walked all the way to this spot to see this rock. I texted my sons with excitement. They said, "that's great mom." I don't think they understood the magnitude of the rock here. My husband was patient and feigned excitement for me. He tries to understand. On the way home I saw a tick on my leg. I flailed and cried and he had to pull the car over. The tick would not crush. He patiently scraped it off my leg and we were able to get back in the car and move on. I learned so many historic things on this day! I am good at finding historic rocks in the woods, and I am not good at ticks.

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